Various policies are used in lift group control systems to provide good services to passengers at the main floor during up peak traffic. One of the most commonly used policies is so-called destination control system, in which the destination floors covered by each car are dynamically decided based on the destination information entered by passengers at a lift hall. The destination control system is expected to improve the average waiting time and the handling capacity by combining with an express zone which efficiently carries passengers whose destination floors are near. This paper shows the formulation of up peak equations of the destination control system and the combination system with an express zone, and evaluation results by numerical experiments.
In the experiments, the distribution of the destination floor P(i) is expressed as the cumulative distribution function of the truncated normal distribution with a mean 𝜇 and a standard deviation 𝜎. The handling capacity and the average waiting time for the destination control system and the combination system are evaluated while changing standard deviation 𝜎. Numerical results show that the destination control system is superior in the distribution with a small 𝜎 where passenger’s destinations are non-uniform. On the other hand, the combination system is superior in the distribution with a large 𝜎 where passenger’s destinations are uniform.
Discussion on express zone and destination control for up peak traffic.
Takahiro Ishikawa, Shingo Kobori, Yasuhiro Yokoi, Kenji Taniyama, Naohiko Suzuki.
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan.