With over 30 years of experience, heads one of India's leading vertical transportation consulting firms, L’Avenir Lift Consultancy. The firm is associated with various landmark projects in India with vertical transportation consulting services and having 7000+ units under consulting base currently.
Chairman, ISHRAE Vertical transportation subcommittee for preparing Energy performance standards for Buildings in India.
Member of IGBC (Indian Green Building Council) core committee, Bangalore.
Member of CIBSE Lifts Group, UK.
Publisher and Managing Editor of premium elevator magazine L’Avenir Elevator Digest . L’Avenir Elevator Digest is a premier digital magazine on the latest in technology in the field of vertical transportation.
Delivering a safe, healthy and sustainable built environment buildings that perform" comprehensively capture the essence of a highly efficient building. This paper showcases from Vertical transportation point of view , one of the most prominent projects in india - CENTRAL VISTA located in the heart of national capital, which is a modern center of national governance.
Methodology -In any VIP building, the horizontal and vertical transportation environment becomes increasingly more important and needs to be designed in the most efficient and effective way to ensure the right balance.
Main results - In this context, the paper addresses opportunities applying new state of art technologies within a multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural environment to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the building. The planning is done with scope for future expansion,exploring the new built typologies.
Conclusions - This paper finally provides comprehensive out look on presenting an in-depth analysis of state-of-the-art methodologies deployed for safe and smooth vertical transportation in terms of Passenger comfort, code complaint, energy efficient products, sustainable maintenance procedures, IoT deployment to maximise the built potential and yet be modern and Iconic.
Vertical transportation design deliverance to iconic buildings.
Jagadish Kumar Vimmadisetti.
Lavenir Consultancy PVT Ltd, India.